You feel lonely
locked up
misses physical contact
You deal intensively with your own world of thoughts
You feel that you are thrown back on yourself
You are anxious by all the rules that limit your life
You withdraw more and more into yourself
And yet there is something unknown deep within you that scares you and likes to be distracted

You want to regain your sense of being happy, have access to your inner strength, and a feeling of being positive, noticing your body, and have the courage to do the things you long for ??

Then you are right here



I give you space where you can be yourself. Where you can finally express your feelings freely and openly.

Where you can allow yourself to feel and say what has been waiting for so long to come out of you.

In this safe and secure space, you learn to trust yourself more and more and to live the freedom to be yourself – to let your body heal.

We have the opportunity to work online with various methods from kinesiology, bodywork, Reiki, and constellation.

You also have the option to strengthen your body awareness and sensitivity in a multi-week Reiki intensive course which will enable you to face the world with confidence.

This includes giving your body its right to listen to its signals and listen to it honestly, as a sign when the soul needs attention and time. Each of us can become our own friend again if we listen to the physical symptoms of our soul.

From my wide knowledge and experiences, you will gain the benefits of being guided to discover your closest friend!